Are you interested in cooking and other cultures? Cinco De Mayo , a Mexican holiday often celebrated in the southwest U.S., is just around the corner, so I thought it would be nice to have a Tex-Mex themed lesson. I would like to invite you to make with Mexican food with me on Saturday, May 5th at my home in Ayase, Adachi-ku. (I will send the address and map to participating individuals later.)
We will make enchiladas, empanadas, guacamole, tacos, etc. The cooking time will be from 11a.m. until 2:00 or 3:00p.m., but you can stay a little later for chatting in English. You are also invited to join the Cinco De Mayo party from 3:00p.m. that same day, also hosted by Cara. More information for the party can be found here:
エンチラダ、エンペナダ、グアカモレ、タコス等を作ります。 時間は午前11:00から午後2:00/3:00までと考えています。でも、料理を作った後で、英会話ができるので、2時を過ぎてもいられます。また、キャラの家の パーティーにも招待します。同日の午後3時からキャラがこのシンコデマーヨパーティーを開きます。詳しくは、 を見てください。
Also, participation will be free for first-time cooking students. Continuing students please pay a fee of 3500 yen. I will not charge any extra money for the food or materials.
また、 クッキングレッスンが 初めての生徒は参加が無料です。2回名以降の生徒は3500円の料金をいただきます。料理にかかる費用を含みます。レッスン後に日本語の簡単なアンケートを書いて頂きます。
Are you able to come that day? Or do you have any friends or family who might be interested in English cooking classes? Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. ご都合はどうですか?どなたかお友達やご家族で、英語でクッキングのクラスに興味がある方がいますか? このメールを興味がある方にも送って下さい。
5 people (+ me) is a good number for my dining/kitchen, so please reserve with me as soon as possible (at the latest by Thursday, May 3rd)! It will be first come, first serve. 私のキッチン/ダイニングで私を含めて6人が適当な人数なので、早く予約して下さい(遅くとも5月3日(木)までに)!これと決めたら早い者勝ち!
I hope to see you then!