
Ishinomaki Volunteering

I wanted to share with you my recent experience in Tohoku.

As you know, in the coastal towns that were hardest hit by the tsunami, the recovery has been very slow. Donations have been generous, but have not yet reached many hands who need them.

As a result, many people want to do more than just donate. My boyfriend, his sisters and their coworkers had joined weekend volunteer trips up to Ishinomaki this spring, and I finally had time to join last month.

We went through the organization called NADIA because it is small, fairly organized and works on a grassroots level (no bureaucracy involvement). We could also join for just a weekend(most volunteer groups require a week minimum), so it didn't affect our work schedules. You can visit their website here for more details (Japanese and English)
ナディアと言う機関は小さいボランティアグループで、よく纏まっているし、現場レベルで(役所は無関係)活動しているので、ナディアを通して行きました。ナディアは週末だけの参加で大丈夫ですので、仕事のスケジュールを変える必要ありませんでした (殆どのボランティア団体は最低一週間必要です)詳しい情報は、ホームページでご覧になれます(日本語でも、英語でも) : http://team-nadia.org/

The volunteer groups with NADIA include people - mostly working professionals - from various countries, but living in the Kantou region. There is, therefore, a lot of opportunity over the weekend to speak Japanese, English, French, German.... Our volunteer group was about 30 people, but groups can be up to 80 (when it's not as hot).このボランティア団体参加者は、殆どが会社員で、様々な国籍で、多くが関東に住んでいます。 ですので、日本語、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語等を話す機会がいっぱいあります。私たち参加時のグループは30人ぐらいでしたが、80人ぐらいの場合もあります(あんまり暑くない時に)。

Most of us traveled together by overnight bus on Friday night (but some people arranged their own transportation by shinkansen or car). If the number of participants is high, Saturday night is spent at a ryokan outside of the affected area.

However, because the participant number was low this time, everyone could stay at the volunteer headquarters in Ishinomaki (on futon in tatami rooms). After finishing work in the afternoon on Sunday, those who choose can take the bus together back to Tokyo, and return around 10 or 11p.m.

So, what exactly does the volunteer work consist of? Anything from shoveling dirt, mud, and debris from parking lots and streets, cleaning canned goods for local stores’ distribution, but mainly removing walls, flooring and cleaning mud and mold from people's homes.
では、詳しくそのボランティア活動はどんな事をするのですか?駐車所や道などの土、ヘドロ、がれき等をシャベルで取ったり、地元の店の出荷 のために缶詰製品を洗う事まで何でも。。でも、大半は民家の壁とフローリングを剥ぎ取ってその下のヘドロとカビ掃除でした。

 Some problems included the bad smells in some places around the town, getting really dirty (but we could go to an onsen at the end of the day), and being in the summer heat with all of that protective gear on.  

I admit, it was a little laborious and made me tired, but I could recover fully in a few days. Moreover, the hard work was totally worth it when I saw the smiles on people's faces as we worked on their homes or passed them in the street.  
ちょっとした肉体労働で確かに疲れましたが、数日で 完全に回復しました。それと、民家で掃除中や道で通り過ぎる際に、現地の人の笑顔を見ると、その肉体労働の価値もあると感じました。

It was also fun to be working with people from all over the world on a common goal.

If you are interested in volunteering or donating money or goods for the group's use, please see the NADIA homepage
もしナディアとボランティア参加、もしくは資金や物資の提供をする興味がおありでしたら、ナディアのホームページをご覧下さい: http://team-nadia.org/

Thank you for reading!


Nice to meet you!

Hello, everyone! 皆さん、こんにちは
Nice to meet you!  宜しくお願いします!

So, about me, one of my passions is travel! I have been all over the U.S. and to 16 other countries, and I hope to go to many many more someday! How about you? Where have you been and where would you like to go? I can’t tell you which country I’d most like to go to because I’d really like to go to all of them, but this time of year I’m dreaming about someplace warm like Tahiti!
では、私の大好きな趣味の1つは旅行です。アメリカの色々な場所と16の他の国に行った事があり、いつかその他の多くの国にも行ってみたいです。あなたは、どこに行った事がありますかどこに行 きたいですか私は様々な国に行ってみたいので、一番行きたい国をどこか決めるのは難しいです。でも、この時期は特に暖かい所例えば、タヒチ島の事を夢見ています。

One good way to travel, I think, is to is befriend people from many different countries, so when you visit their home country, you can have a place to stay, or at least get travel advice. I like having guests come to see me in Japan or in the U.S. (when I am visiting my parents), share about my culture and play hostess and amateur tour guide! I first moved to Japan five years ago and my good friends who are Japanese really helped me adjust, and to this day still invite me to visit their hometowns. I can stay in their homes and have nice home-cooked meals. Some of these friends I met in university in the U.S., so I had somewhere to stay before I even came to Japan. Have you ever experienced a home-stay or had a foreign guest in your home?
良い旅行する1つの方法は、色々な外国人と友達になる事で、お友達の母国に行く際泊めてもらったり、旅行のアドバイスをしてもらえると思います。私は日本にいる時でもアメリカにいる時実家に帰っている時でも、友達を招待したり、 文化交流をしたり、旅のガイド役を務めたりする事が好きです。五年前に初めて日本に来た時、以前から知り合いの仲の良い日本人の友達は色々手助けしてくれ て、今日でもまだその友達達は実家に招待してくれます。友達の家に泊まっておいしい家庭料理でもてなしてくれるのです。一部の友達はアメリカの大学で知り 合ったので日本に来る前にコネクションはありました。ホームステイをしたり、お宅に外国人のゲストを招待したりした事はありますか

Another way I like to travel is to volunteer in underdeveloped countries. My skills are in English, cooking, painting, and computers, so I general am able to use/teach my skills as a service in return for housing and cultural exchange. I volunteered in the Republic of Kiribati for 10 months with the Peace Corps and in Namibia for 2 months with World Teach. Next I’d like to spent some time volunteering in Southeast Asia, maybe Cambodia or Thailand. Have you ever thought of volunteering in another country? I highly recommend it to learn about many interesting cultures and ways of life and also to learn more about yourself!
一つの好きな旅行の方法は発展途上国でのボランティア活動に参加する事です。私の特技は英語力、料理、絵を書くとパソコンですから、 住まいや 文化交流と引き換えに私のスキルを教えられる事が出来ます。アメリカのピースコープに 10ヶ月間キリバス共和国で、アメリカのワールド・ティーチにてヶ月間ナミビア共和国でボランティア活動をしました。今度は東南アジア(カンボジアや タイなどでボランティアに時間を費やしてみたいですね。海外でボランティア活動に参加してみよと考えた事はありますか多様で興 味深い文化や生き方、そして更に自分の事についてもっと学んでみる事を勧めます

Some of my other passions are cooking (anything!), oil painting, and movies, so if you have similar interests as me, I hope we can meet and chat soon! 私の他の趣味は料理何でも、油絵と映画ですので、もし興味が合様でした ら近く会ってお話できたらいいですね。  - Cara