We can't turn back time, but we can look ahead and do our best to help! So, let's roll for Ishinomaki!
This year, Cara and Kosuke will host a “Maki for Ishinomaki” Hanami Party at Higashi Ayase Kouen! Saturday, March 31st, from 3p.m until you get tired! The more the merrier, so bring your friends, too!
Participation is free, but please bring drinks to share (alcoholic AND/OR non-alcoholic). Cara will serve “rolled food” (like American norimaki, harumaki, tortilla rolls, cinnamon rolls, etc.) and you are also welcome to bring food/snacks to share. There will be a donation box (donation optional, of course!) and all money collected that day will go to “NADIA for Ishinomaki”: http://team-nadia.org/.
参 加費が無料ですが、皆で飲むお酒やソフトドリンク等を持って来て下さい。キャラは色々な巻き物(アメリカ風のり巻き、生春巻き、トルティーヤ巻き、シナモ ンロール等)を用意します。でも、皆で食べるための料理やおやつも持って来てくれるとありがたいです。パーティーに募金箱を準備しておきます(募金は任 意!)。そして、当日の募金は「NADIA for Ishinomaki」に寄付します: http://team-nadia.org/。石巻にたくさんの花が咲くように種を*まきましょう*!
In the event of rain or lack of sakura blooms, the party will be moved to Cara and Kosuke’s home nearby. So, let’s “just roll with it”!!!
If you would like to join, please RSVP: aoibonsai@gmail.com (Cara).She will send a map of the hanami area of the park where our group will be.
参加したい方はaoibonsai@gmail.com (キャラ)に連絡してください。東綾瀬公園の花見会場の地図を送ります。
Moreover, if you are also interested in making the rolled food, Cara will be teaching a “Party/Picnic Rolls” English Cooking lesson at her home that same day, from 11:00a.m .until 2~3p.m. Please see http://carasensei.blogspot.com/2012/02/partypicnic-rolls-english-cooking.html for more information. Please let Cara know if you’d like to join to cooking lesson. But if you don’t “roll” like that, that’s fine, just make sure to attend the party from 3p.m.!
Thank you!
Cara and Kosuke