Are you familiar with Halloween customs in the U.S.?
Getting dressed in costumes, going to Halloween parties, walking through haunted houses, eating lots of candy and watching scary movies is a lot of fun.... but my favorite Halloween custom is pumpkin carving!
衣装を着たり、ハロウィンパーティーに行ったり、お化け屋敷を通って歩いたり、キャンディーをいっぱい食べたり、ホラー映画を観るのはとても楽しいですが、 カボチャ彫りは一番大好きなハロウィンの風習です!
Have you ever carved a pumpkin?
Actually, once a pumpkin is carved, it's called a "jack-o-lantern" because it functions as a lantern.
Usually there is a scary face design, but these days the more creative the design, the better, so more often than not the design is not a simple face.
The most difficult design I have done is a haunted house (Unfortunately, I don't have a picture), but this spider web was also quite challenging.
Carving pumpkins is not too difficult, but quite messy, and it takes time to clean all of the "guts" out of the pumpkin.
カボチャ彫りが難しすぎる事はないのですが、とてもぐちゃぐちゃになってしまったり、 カボチャの「内蔵」を取るのには時間かかります。
Along with the "guts" comes the seeds and you can toast them with a little vegetable oil and salt (yum!).
These days I carve Japanese pumpkins because they are much cheaper than big orange pumpkins, but the skin is a bit harder to cut and the seeds are not edible.
I hope you get the chance to express your artistic ability this Halloween by carving pumpkins! 今年のハロウィンでカボチャ彫りにて貴女達が芸術的才能を表現できる事を望んでいます.
Halloween! ハッピー・ハロウィン!
Happy Halloween!